Monday, January 26, 2009


So I'm stuck here in the land o lakes this winter; far far away from bluebird skies, deep powder, and perfect early morning corduroy. Couldn't be happier! Everybody in CO, defiantly take advantage of the opportunities in the Rockies. At least I have some new ski movies to watch. Thank god for Level 1, Poorboyz, and TGR...


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Music for 2009

Little Boots

Ill finally post some music for those lucky few who read this. These are all bands and songs that are really going to blow up in 2009. So I'm gonna call it here, on this website, that you heard it here first (and possibly other websites). So lets enjoy these songs before they become Paper Planes and lets discover these bands before they become the next MGMT.

First off is Little boots, which song stuck on repeat is literally stuck on repeat (on my ipod). It's amazing...
Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat

And then here is a electro-rock kinda band called Late of the Pier. These guys are great if your more in rock music.
Late of the Pier - Broken

Now for Passion Pit: this band is seriously going to get huge, and probably because of this song. Sleepyhead seriously is an amazing song, one that could be the next Paper Planes, and I mean that in the best way possible. LISTEN TO THIS SONG OVER AND OVER!
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

Finally for all you hip-hop fans, this is the band that is going to be the biggest in 2009, hands down. If you haven't heard of The Knux yet, or heard the song Bang Bang, then you will soon. Starting right now...
The Knux - Bang Bang

So there you go folks. Welcome to 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's About Time

Sorry guys I haven't posted anything lately. I've been busy / I haven't been busy at all, so I'm gonna try and post some good shit as much as I can because believe it or not, people are still looking at the site. This is just a reminder that I'm still here...